There will be many instances within your character’s life where you will have to complete certain assignments in order for them to move on up in the world or even be put to rest.
You may be granted an extension if you ask 2 weeks before your character’s assignment(s) deadlines.
Novice Assignment
Every kit has a Novice Ceremony once they reach a certain age (around 6 moons). This means that they will choose which rank they will want to train in. A staff member will tag you in a reminder to open a ticket and state which rank your novice character will be training in.
You must complete one of the following:
A piece with at least one family member.
Artwork minimum: lined, colored + shaded with simple background.
Writing minimum: 500 words each.
This piece can be drawn/written by another family member or yourself.
A piece presenting their Novice Ceremony (being assigned + touching noses with their mentor).
Artwork minimum: lined, flat color with simple background.
Writing minimum: 500 words.
Please keep in mind:
If your character changes training rank, they must have trained in that particular rank for at least 3 moons.
E.g. Examplepaw was training as Guardian until they were 10 moons old, changed training rank to Trapper and thus must train in this rank until they’re 13 moons old.
Graduation Assignment
Every novice has a Graduation Ceremony once they reach a certain age (around 12 moons).
All Graduation Assignments have the option to be officially roleplayed in the server. If you would like to do this, you must let the staff know at least 2 weeks before your assignment deadline.
You must complete the following:
A collab / roleplay with your character’s mentor.
Artwork minimum: lined, colored + shaded with simple background.
Writing minimum: 500 words each.
If you ​cannot roleplay or collab for whatever reason, you can submit a list of headcanons of your mentor-novice relationship or a series of sketches indicating different parts of your novice's training (about 3 different situations/scenes).​
A piece or (or official server roleplay) presenting their Graduation Ceremony (see the corresponding rank assignments down below).
Artwork minimum: lined, flat color with simple background.
Writing minimum: 500 words (if server roleplay this is for yourself, other participants’ word counts do not affect this)
Leafclan Ranks
Sentinels & Paladins:
Fire drill exercise, sprung onto the novices while they’re sleeping (just for that extra spice). Group of rescuees (which Sentinels must successfully lead to safety) and group of fighters (which the Paladins must fend off). Novices are judged on 1) their leadership skills 2) teamwork 3) how well they work under pressure. Failing this assignment isn’t the end of the world – novices are offered to try again later or change their training rank.
Ground Dwellers & Tree Dwellers:
The tasks given to the two types of dwellers are very similar: to successfully bring back three types of prey back to the clan. In the leafbare season, this requirement can be lowered if prey is especially hard to find.
Novices will be challenged with heading into a part of the territory that is deemed ‘dangerous’, tasked with retrieving a specific item. Once they’ve returned to camp with said item, they receive their suffix.
For Novices within this rank to receive their title, they will go through an assignment with a list of tasks that their mentor provides to them upon reaching the proper age for graduation. This assignment’s list of tasks will vary depending on the mentor, but will require the Novice to demonstrate their skill in caring for both kits, and elders alike.
Soaringclan Ranks
Novices within this rank will prove their skill by guarding a patrol or Soaringclan’s camp from ‘intruders’ or ‘ambushers’, who are their own clanmates putting them through a pretend scenario. Their assignment will be when they have reached the appropriate age for graduation, but will be randomly timed and unexpected to assist in keeping them on their toes.
The assignment for Stalkers is very simple: successfully bring back three types of prey back to the clan. In the leafbare season, this requirement can be lowered if prey is especially hard to find.
When reaching graduation age, trackers are put together into a small team that will track down a predator and then lead it away from its current location, to a new location. The cats are required to work together as a team, and must be successful in leading the predator from point A to point B in order to graduate.
Novices that are deemed ready to finish their training will be tasked with navigating through one of the cave systems, usually the hardest to navigate (the Eyes of Starclan). Once they have successfully traversed the cave, they are given their suffix.
When it comes to graduating as an Arbitrator, Novices within this rank will receive the task of defusing a scripted argument between clanmates in order to help maintain the peace.
For Novices within this rank to receive their title, they will go through an assignment with a list of tasks that their mentor provides to them upon reaching the proper age for graduation. This assignment’s list of tasks will vary depending on the mentor, but will require the Novice to demonstrate their skill in caring for both kits, and elders alike.
Death / Exit Assignment
If / when you decide to kill off a character, you have the option of creating a final death / exit piece for them in order to earn their character slot back. This piece must correspond directly with how your character dies / exits, and align with the below minimum requirements for your character slot to be returned.
Artwork minimum: lined, flat color with simple background.
Writing minimum: 500 words.