Character Creation Questions
01 — Do I have to use my own art for my character application?
Not at all! If you're unable to draw your application for one reason or another, you are allowed to use a base (though please ensure you aren't breaking any artist's terms!) You will also be allowed to use art that you have either requested or commissioned for your own personal usage. In addition to this, you must provide proper credit either on the application itself or in the credits sections of your character's biography.
02 — Can my cat have ‘hairstyles’?
Absolutely! However, slightly within reason — no ponytails or braids at this point in time (as cats don't have the means to do this). You're also more than free to give them really long bangs or hair that covers their eyes, etc.
03 — Can I shade my character's application art?
Yes. The application has a palette section, so as long as that has all the relevant colours of your character, you're more than free to shade their application art.
04 — Is _ an acceptable name?
You're always more than welcome to ask about a name in the help channel, but before you do so please ensure you've checked the Glade's Wildlife as well as checked the Names to see if it's already in use or banned.
05 — Can I join with / as _?
The short answer is no: your first character must be a part of a Clan. However, once you've joined the group, you're more than welcome to create another type of character (e.g. an outsider or orphan kit, etc).
06 — How much do I have to write for my character’s history?
There’s no word limit, but each required event (the History Guide will state what’s required for which Clan) must be explored via your character’s thoughts and feelings. CC accepts bullet-pointed histories, though they must still be coherent and in timeline order.
07 — Can I get help with coming up with things in my character’s history?
While staff may be a little too busy to help all the time, there are always the other group members you can ask! If you ever need any ideas, they would be more than happy to help. If you still need assistance after this, you can open a ticket.
08 — Am I allowed to create NPCs for my character’s backstory?
Yes! We actually encourage you to create NPCs for your character's family, as it helps you figure them out and give them more depth. If you’re bringing in a character that’s 12+ moons, you should create a mentor NPC, unless another player has agreed that their character mentored yours (although please keep in mind that there must be at least a 12 moon difference between them).
09 — Do I have to write a new roleplay sample every time I create a character?
Nope! You’re able to use the same one you joined with, or an older one or even a new one. we don’t mind, as long as it's semi-similar to how you currently roleplay.
10 — What do I do if the shop doesn’t have a trait I want?
You can bring it up to the staff, who will discuss whether to add your desired capped trait to the shop. Sometimes we will refuse certain traits, though don’t let that deter you from at least asking. Open a ticket to ask!
11 — My application has been waiting to be reviewed for a while now. What should I do?
Staff have lives outside of CC, so we might not be to review your character straight away. You should only become concerned if you’ve been waiting for more than two weeks, in which case you can bump the ticket. If you bump before this 2 week period, it's viewed as rude and pressurising.
Kit / Novice Character Questions
01 — How do I get a mentor for my novice character?
The staff will pair you with someone! If you’ve recently joined and haven’t acquired a mentor yet, please don’t fret. Your mentor will be announced in the next Glade Gossip — if they aren’t, open a ticket and we'll fix it.
02 — How is my novice's adult name decided?
You can either choose their adult name for yourself, or allow staff to choose for you. Please open a ticket to let us know of their warrior name, otherwise we’ll reach out to you and ask. The naming process is different for everyone and we can give you a list or surprise you, depending on what you choose.
03 — What happens if I don't complete my character’s rank up requirements on time?
They won't be able to take part in any events until you have completed their requirements.
04 — What do I do if my mentor / novice is inactive?
Open a ticket to let the staff know. We will usually reach out to the player you’ve been paired with to see what’s up, but if you’d rather just do a quick re-pairing then you’re free to do so. However, please note that we can refuse a re-pair if we believe you’re taking advantage of this system.
Adoptable Questions
01 — Can I make group / family adoptables?
Group adoptables unrelated to any of your characters (that you might sell, for example) must promote CC in some way — linking to the group is always nice, but you can also offer discounts to CC members or the adopts are free to anyone who joins CC, etc. General adoptables aren’t allowed capped traits and must adhere to design rules.
Family adoptables are allowed to have capped traits, though you must buy them beforehand. You’re allowed to create 3 family adopts per character.
02 — So if I create family adoptables, I have to buy their capped traits? What if they’re an existing member?
Yup! When someone wins a tryout, it’s common courtesy to buy the capped trait that they have. Joining members can’t buy capped traits, and it shouldn’t be up to an existing member to buy a trait for a character they’ve won. However, it’s a completely different story if they offer.
03 — Is there a time limit for when my adoptables have to be adopted?
Not really, though we’re likely to remove adoptables from the group after a while if they haven’t been adopted yet. We don't actually have a time frame on this, it’ll usually just be when we think it's time or when we get around to it (though it likely will be around 3 months).
Misc Questions
01 — Do I have to have a Discord to join the group?
Yes. While we are on Toyhouse, all of our communication is on the discord server. This is where you’ll be able to converse with all your fellow players and see all the important announcements.
02 — How do I go on hiatus?
Open a ticket! However, please note that you must have been a member of the group for a minimum of 3 months before you can ask for a hiatus, though special circumstances can be made. Hiatuses last for 3 months and if you’re still unable to return to the group at this point, we encourage you to leave and re-join when you are able.
03 — How do activity checks work?
Please read through this page.
04 — What's a ‘personal plot’? How do they work?
Personal plots are based around your character, and usually only involve their clan. This isn't always the case but anything more large-scale than this is normally treated as a Personal Prophecy instead.
To request a personal plot, just open a ticket! Please keep in mind that we have a queue and may not be able to add your plot to the list just yet if we have too many lined up.
05 — How do I kill off my character?
If / when you decide to kill off a character, you have the option of creating a final death / exit piece for them in order to earn their character slot back. This piece must correspond directly with how your character dies / exits, and align with the below minimum requirements for your character slot to be returned.
Artwork minimum: lined, flat color with simple background.
Writing minimum: 500 words.
06 — Am I allowed to rejoin the group if I previously left?
Yes! You’re able to rejoin the group twice, for a total of 3 times. However, if you left on rocky circumstances or members have come forward to state you’ve made them uncomfortable, staff may refuse your rejoining. If you were kicked for whatever reason, you have a 3 month cooldown before you’re able to rejoin. If you were banned, you can’t ever rejoin the group.