Culture & Daily Life
Being more devoted to nature & giving back what they take, Leafclan often 'gardens', cultivating a plethora of plants in hopes of returning favour to the earth as well as keep their herb stocks up. If there’s any debris left by humans nearby, Leafclan will usually recycle these objects (using an old boot as a makeshift pot, for example).
They specialise in hunting from above, a ‘drop down’ technique in which they catch their prey off guard. These hunters usually have to be lighter and able to climb easily; called ‘tree dwellers’.
They can also hunt normally. These hunters have to be good at sneaking and camouflage; called ‘ground dwellers’. Use old pelts and mud to blend into their surroundings.
Teachings are often focused on respecting nature / the earth, as it provides sustenance and allows them to survive. Leafclan cats will thank / bless their prey after killing it.
Naming traditions focus on wildlife (especially plants), but can also focus on appearance.
01 — High Ranks
1x Leader
Their word is law and the Clan must follow their orders, no matter what. Failing to do so is breaking the Warrior Code and you will be duly punished.
1x Second-in-Command
Second-in-command to the leader and will take over duties if the leader is indisposed. Will only replace the leader if said leader dies or steps down. This rank is always chosen by the leader.
1x Herbalist
The Clan’s healer who has in-depth knowledge of herbs. Their primary duty is to help the injured and sickly, though they have a faint connection with StarClan. Take on all of the similar tasks of SoaringClan's Seer.
2x Novice Herbalist
Assistants to the Herbalist, directly trained by them and help in all of the Herbalist's tasks. Will replace the Herbalist after death / retirement and choose a new Novice Herbalist. As there is no Seer position in LeafClan, two Novice Herbalists are chosen.
1x Combat Specialist
Focuses the fighting ranks and teaches them how to work as a unit. Also monitors individual apprentices and can offer one-on-one lessons. Very battle orientated and quick, usually relies on instinct.
02 — Normal Ranks
Assigned with staying in camp, cats of this rank are tasked with protecting those around them. Their main objective is ensure that their clanmates remain safe, and though they are able to fight, their focus will always be on evacuation if needed (leaving the fighting to the Paladins). Sentinels rely on their decisiveness and conscientiousness in order to keep moving forward. If needed, Sentinels can be sent as back-up to help the Paladins if they are outnumbered or struggling against a foe.
The first to jump into battle if necessary, putting their lives on the line in order to let the Sentinels focus on protection. Cats of this rank can often be described as rash, but also noble and courageous, too. This rank is very popular amongst those that wish to prove their worth, and prove it they shall — Paladins are extremely respected within LeafClan, and many of their clanmates will bow when passing them / before interacting with them.
Ground Dwellers
Hunters of Leafclan that would prefer to be on the ground. Using underbrush to their advantage, they’re excellent stalkers for not only ground-dwelling animals and enemies, but whatever may burrow itself into the ground beneath them as well.
Tree Dwellers
Hunters of Leafclan that want to stay off of the ground. Cats within this rank nearly exclusively hunt and stalk from above ground, making them excellent at catching birds and other animals nestled within trees. They do practice a drop-down technique that they use to catch ground dwelling prey that aren’t burrowed or are in plain sight, however.
Specializing in observancy, Outriders will climb to the tops of trees to look for prey, find items to assist Leafclan cats with camouflage, locate trespassers, and any abnormalities in Leafclan territory that may be off in the distance, but can’t be seen from up close.
Their focus is around the elders and nursery, looking out for the cats that need it most. They will help feed them, replenish / clean their nests, bring them food and generally care for them. Every so often, they can be found rebuilding / strengthening the areas around the Nursery and Elders Den.
Completed when a kit reaches around 6 moons old. They are able to choose their 'training rank', which is exactly how it sounds: the rank that they will be training to become. During this ceremony, they will be assigned to a mentor corresponding to their chosen training rank.
Sentinels & Paladins: Fire drill exercise, sprung onto the novices while they’re sleeping (just for that extra spice). Group of rescuees (which Sentinels must successfully lead to safety) and group of fighters (which the Paladins must fend off). Novices are judged on 1) their leadership skills 2) teamwork 3) how well they work under pressure. Failing this assignment isn’t the end of the world – novices are offered to try again later or change their training rank.
Ground Dwellers & Tree Dwellers: The tasks given to the two type of dwellers are very similar: to successfully bring back three types of prey back to the clan. In the leafbare season, this requirement can be lowered if prey is especially hard to find.
Outriders: Novices will be challenged with heading into a part of the territory that is deemed ‘dangerous’, tasked with retrieving a specific item. Once they’ve returned to camp with said item, they receive their suffix.
Caretakers: For Novices within this rank to receive their title, they will go through an assignment with a list of tasks that their mentor provides to them upon reaching the proper age for graduation. This assignment’s list of tasks will vary depending on the mentor, but will require the Novice to demonstrate their skill in caring for both kits, and elders alike.
Chosen by the leader, called up in moonlight and announced to the entire clan.
Once the previous leader dies or retires, the Second-in-Command replaces them. They must travel to the Headlights to receive their nine lives, just like the leader before them.
When wishing to become official, the courting cats will both collect a seed from a plant that they are especially connected to / favour over the others / feels represents them. With the Herbalist watching over them, they plant these seeds next to their mate(s). This ritual symbolises new growth and blossoming life; the seed planted doesn’t have to grow, but if it does, it is believed to be good fortune for their future.
Similarly to canonical warriors, Leafclan will bury their dead and allow cats closest to the dead to mourn and sit vigil for them. During the death ceremony the cats closest to the dead will give prized possessions back to them, and something from the earth that the deceased was connected to (a plant, bones, prey, etc). Leafclan buries their dead in a way that allows them to give back to the earth and provide new growth to sustain both their territory, and their clan.